Beliefs and Leadership


Our church adheres to the historic, orthodox Christian faith as articulated in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. Our doctrinal standards are the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Valley Chapel is a mission church of the Presbyterian Church in America, a denomination devoted to the inerrancy of the Scriptures, the reformed theological tradition, and the fulfillment of the great commission.


Our leadership consists of Ruling and Teaching Elders who oversee the mission, vision, and care of the members of the church. The roles and responsibilities of our elders are explained and listed in the Book of Church Order for the PCA.

Paul Proctor - Pastor at Valley Chapel

Chad Leinweber

Keith Goben

Craig Harris

Andre Lewis

“Valley Chapel is a church plant that seeks to live out the reality of Christ’s resurrection for God’s glory by making disciples who faithfully worship, grow in rhythms of grace, live as a redemptive presence, and find their ultimate rest in Christ”